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Keynote Speaker
- Charles McCathieNevile - HTML5 - more web for more people
- Charles will discuss the development of HTML5 (and other web standards). He will talk about how the standards are developed, and what new possibilities they offer to web developers, and application developers in general. He will also look at how the Open Web Stack based around HTML can be used to improve users' experience of applications by making them accessible to all kinds of people with multiple devices and platforms connecting to the Internet.
- Charles 將探討 HTML5 及其他網際標準的發展,包括標準發展的過程、以及這些標準為網頁開發者乃至於其他應用軟體開發人員所提供的新世界。他也將描述以 HTML 為根基的開放網路堆疊 (Open Web Stack) 如何讓各種人、以各種連接網路的設備、平台都能取用,增進應用軟體的使用體驗。
- GNOME 基金會董事 Brian Cameron 展示即將推出的 GNOME 3(確認中)
Feature Speaker
- Audrey Tang - Socialtext 4: A tale of Shindig and OpenSocial
- 唐鳳是 Pugs 專案的發起人,領導 Haskell 和 Perl 社群協力開發 Perl 6 語言。唐鳳也致力於自由軟體的國際化工作,包括設計 Kwiki、RT 及 Slash 等系統的國際化架構,並發起多項開放源碼書籍的翻譯計劃。在 CPAN 上,唐鳳負責維護 100 餘項的 Perl 相關專案,包括 Perl Archive Toolkit (PAR) 這項跨平台封裝及建置工具,以及 CPAN 的自動測試及數位簽署系統等。
- Harald Welte - GNU GPL Compliance in Embedded Devices
- Harald Welte is a Free Software developer involved with many projects from the Linux Kernel to Openmoko as well as various GSM and RFID related projects. In 2004 he has started the gpl-violations.org project which has enforced more than 150 cases of GPL license infringements till today.
- Open Invention Network 亞洲區總裁 Shane Coughlan 說明如何保護自己,在使用開放原始碼軟體的時候不用擔心專利鯊魚
- 2010/07/05 20:00
COSCUP 2010 / GNOME.Asia 2010 中英文介紹
開放原碼 (Open Source) 軟體的成功取決於三大支柱:開發者、使用者、推廣者。開源人年會 (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters, 簡稱 COSCUP) 是為了這三種角色舉辦的年度研討會。
COSCUP 從 2006 年起逐年成長,今年已是第五年,已經是全台灣最大的開源軟體相關研討會。年會是由台灣幾個開源軟體 (Open Source) 社群聯合主辦,目標是創造一個友善的、資訊豐富的環境,讓來自各社群的的人可以結交朋友、學習新科技、並在會議中互相交流、激發新靈感。
關於歷屆與今年研討會網站的網址請參考 http://coscup.org/2010。更多 blog, 照片與會眾迴響,請於各大搜尋引擎查找 COSCUP.
COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters) is an annual conference where coders, users and promoters of open source software from all around the world gather to share their experiences and knowledge with each other.
COSCUP has enjoyed phenomenal growth in the years since its creation in 2006, now it's the largest open source conference in Taiwan. The conference is organized major open source communities in Taiwan, Our aim is for everyone to collaborate thus bringing more creative ideas to the table.
COSCUP has sessions for newbie users, enthusiastic promoters, beginning coders or anyone who is interested in the cutting-edge open source technologies. The goal is to create a friendly and informative environment for people in different communities to make friends, learn new technologies and inspire each other in the conference.
COSCUP 2010's website and historical can be located at http://coscup.org/2010. Blog, photos and feedbacks from participants can be found on the web by searching "COSCUP" in all major search engines.
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著作人: othree 版權: 創用 CC 授權 BY 2.0 來源: http://www.flickr.com/photos/othree/3823642490/sizes/l/