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Taipei Economic and Cultural Center

Snowy — GNOME Online Service

Ray Wang

Abstract: Snowy, a.k.a tomboy-online, is a GNOME online service, it enables users to synchronize, view, share, and edit your Tomboy notes online. In this slides, we will brief introduce what is snowy, its features,how to setup on tomboy and how to participate etc.

Bio: Ray Wang, a FLOSS fan since 1999 and became a real GNU/Linux user since 2005. He mostly participate in GNU and GNOME communities, and has became a GNOME foundation member since 2008. Other than that, he has been taking part in Beijing Linux User Group and Beijing GNOME User Group actively. He used to be a build and QA engineer of mono accessibility project, but now he work as a OEM QA engineer.

透視GNOME 3:架構與交互的革新


Abstract: 從GNOME 3的底層library(GTK+3,Gobject Introspection)講起,介紹其基本組件(clutter, mutter, GNOME Shell),講述GNOME 3如何利用Web技術進行創新,並通過演示桌面環境展示其在用戶交互上的改善,另外演示基於GNOME Shell的開發extension的demo。

Bio: 大陸浙江人,當前在杭州工作,是一個熱衷於 GNU/Linux、GNOME、Ubuntu 的自由軟體愛好者兼開發者,三年前在學校創建了 Ubuntu Tweak 專案,至今仍在不斷開發,已擁有大量國內國際的用戶。個人部落格是: ,經常在上面撰文分享 Linux 和其他方面有趣的東西,有不少讀者。在部落格上分享了大量關於 GNOME 3 的文章: ,關於 GNOME 3 的文章也有發表至國內《程序員》雜誌: ,同時我還是香港《Linux Pilot》雜誌的長期作者。除 GNOME 方面,我也曾在 HZGTUG 成立大會上演示過Chrmium OS: 。在線下我還與朋友組織過關於 “Netbook OS” 的交流會:

Gcc-4.5 Plugin Hacking

程任全 (Cheng Renquan)

Abstract:The GCC-4.5 is eventually released recently (this April), one significant improvement is its plugin framework, since gcc-4.5 above, it’s now possible to extend the compiler without having to modify gcc source code and without recompiling the whole gcc package. One of my research projects here at Singapore Management University involves to customize a c/c++ compiler, for binary-rewriting for software security purpose: since late 2009, and before gcc, we have tried PLY (Python-Lex-Yacc) and several other tools, and finally realized gcc was the best one for this purpose; and having gcc plugin framework is even making gcc hacking life easier; due to lack of documentation, in recent 6 months I was digging into this framework. The project itself would end in a couple of months, while as a side product, the precious gcc plugin hacking experiences I’m willing to share with all COSCUP/GNOME.Asia Summit audience.

Bio:Cheng Renquan(程任全), has been working in Shenzhen in Linux Kernel
industry for years and relocated to work in Singapore since 2009; He
has many contributions to the Linux Kernel and for recent 1 year
working in Singapore Management University for academic research
projects, during this period he has also increased interests on Gcc
compiler infrastructure.

Snowy — GNOME Online Service
Ray Wang (QA Engineer)

Gcc – 4.5 Plugin Hacking
程任全 (Singapore Management University)

透視GNOME 3:架構與交互的革新


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XS (Width 34cm, length 56cm)
S (Width 38cm, length 56cm)
M (Width 40cm, length 63m)
L (Width 44cm, length 71cm)
XL (Width 48cm, length 74cm)
XXL (Width 54cm, length 77cm)

Tobias Mueller

Hm. Well. I'd prefer something more free :-) Pentabarf, for example, is
free software: and is a very well
tested piece of software. In fact, it is used to organise very small up
to very big (~4k) conferences. It's being developed by Chaos Computer
Club people in Germany who dogfood multiple times every year for their
events. For the record: I'm a proud member of that community, too :-)

葛冬梅 (Florence Ko) ,網路暱稱為 "Florence" 或 "tmk2005",於2005年開始專職研究自由軟體授權條款,專長在於自由軟體授權條款內容介紹、條款相容性分析、條款不相容的解決方案提供、程式碼釋出方案規劃等。目前任職於中央研究院自由軟體鑄造場,同時為自由軟體鑄造場電子報「法律專欄」作者。關於更進一步的個人資訊請見 OSSF Who's Who 的個人資料表:

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